what's up doc?
Just some things flewing through my mind while I'm waiting for my CD writer…
I was lazy the last three weeks and today I have to see my lecturer to talk about how my diploma is going
I'm currently up to 70 pages which is okay and may increase maybe to 72 or 73 in it's final state. I still have to solve some minor practical problems. It looks like I just solved an issue with aodvd6 - an AODV implementation with IPv6 Support. I think my main problem was that I know so little about IPv6. They never told us something about it in university.
What else? Yesterday I installed XFCE4 from Debian unstable. I was using XFCE3 for some time now and liked it very much - but version 4 is much cooler! It looks much nicer (and comes with dozens of themes). The things I like most are the iconbox and the possibility to include applets (think Gnome and KDE) into the panel. Now I have the CPU and Netload indicators in the panel and don't need gkrellm anymore .
Oh the CD is ready - so that it for today folks…