MiniDLNA vs. MiniSSDP on Synology DiskStation
I am running MiniDLNA (or ReadyMedia as it seems to be called nowadays) on my Synology DiskStation to access movies from my Samsung SmartTV and BluRay player via UPnP/DNLA.
The MiniDNLA package was installed by adding a the custom package source to the package manager and install the package as usual.
This worked fine for years, but after a recent update my DNLA devices weren't able to see the DiskStation anymore.
It took me a while to figure out that there was another process intercepting the DNLA traffic:
$ ps ax|grep minissdpd 14985 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/bin/minissdpd -i eth0
I'm not sure what it is needed for. There's some hints that MiniDNLA should be able to hook into this process via a socket. But I couldn't get it to work. So instead I looked into disabling it.
When you SSH into the Synology you can check if the service is enabled - and sure enough it is:
$ sudo synoservicecfg --status ssdp Service [ssdp] status=[enable] required upstart job: [minissdpd] is start.
Use the same command to disable it:
$ sudo synoservicecfg --disable ssdp warn: The runkey of service [ssdp] has been set to "No"
Check again and it should be gone:
$ sudo synoservicecfg --status ssdp Service [ssdp] status=[disable] required upstart job: [minissdpd] is stop.
Finally restart the MiniDLNA service:
sudo /var/packages/minidlna/scripts/start-stop-status restart
BTW. You can also use that command to force a rescan of your media:
sudo /var/packages/minidlna/scripts/start-stop-status rescan
This post was of course written so I'll can look it up next time it breaks